Christian Conflict Resolution

CONFLICT… a good thing?

Ken Sande, founder of Peacemaker Ministries®, got it right when he said conflict provides Christians with opportunities. When we begin to see conflict as part of God’s agenda, we discover opportunities in conflict to Glorify God, Serve Others and Grow to Be Like Christ.

Are you making the most of your opportunities in conflict? Do you see conflict as an obstacle to be overcome so you can get on with your life? Or do you see it as a God-given assignment for growth? When we face trials, we need someone to come alongside to help and encourage us.

If you are feeling helpless or hopeless in the face of conflict, then it’s time to get some objective Christian counsel. You need someone to come alongside to help you sort out the complexities and follow the Bible’s plan for peace and restored relationships.

Parnell Law Office helps Christians in conflict.
Conciliation services offered by Parnell Law Offices range from Conflict Coaching (Biblical counseling for pastors, leadership or individuals) to Mediation, Arbitration, and Church Conflict Intervention. For churches seeking to be proactive in creating a culture of peace, Mr. Parnell is a certified instructor of the PeaceSowers® curriculum, and offers custom training in Biblical conflict resolution to suit your needs.

Peacemaking in the RPCNA (2010-01-21).docx
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Call Parnell Law Office at 785-842-1400 or contact us online to schedule your free initial consultation.